
Scale and automate every aspect of your business operations.

Leverage a comprehensive array of inventory management system software features designed to help you elevate, streamline and grow your business.

Unlock your full potential with inventory management features that drive efficiency across the business life cycle.

Holistic. Modern. Integrated. Adaptable. From manufacturing to ecommerce to fulfillment, these tools make business management easier than ever and enable you to focus your energy on the strategic work that helps your business thrive. It’s the future of inventory management software.

When your inventory and sales channels are integrated seamlessly, you can focus on building a truly global business. DEAR integrates with all major ecommerce and shipping platforms, equipping you with a simple, centralized inventory management system across all your sales channels.


Make smarter purchasing decisions, faster to stay ahead of the competition. Intuitive purchasing features save you time and effort by putting comprehensive purchasing insights – like supplier history and accurate costs – right at your fingertips.

Make smarter purchasing decisions, faster to stay ahead of the competition. Intuitive purchasing features save you time and effort by putting comprehensive purchasing insights – like supplier history and accurate costs – right at your fingertips.

Effective inventory management software can prevent major business headaches. Enjoy peace of mind with complete visibility into and control over stock levels, orders, and product movement. With DEAR, you’ll have full confidence that your inventory is right where it needs to be.

Automation is the name of the game in today’s business world. Save valuable time and money by automating manual or low-level processes in your inventory management system. Dedicate your resources to more rewarding work while vastly improving operational efficiency.

Expand your horizons with Point of Sale software that enables you to sell on multiple platforms with ease Take your storefront to the next level and boost sales by deploying intuitive software tailored to the needs of online businesses.

Track material and labour costs effortlessly throughout the production process. With clear insight into your manufacturing operations, you can maximize your budget, improve cost efficiency and optimize your pricing.

Capitalize on every opportunity with highly efficient and flexible sales functionality, your business will be ready to capitalise on every opportunity. From order tracking to split orders to drop shipment, sales-oriented inventory management system software features make it easier than ever to track, manage and optimize each stage of your sales process.

The less time you spend on manual accounting processes, the more time you have to focus on growing your business. Integrate your inventory management software seamlessly with accounting software market leaders Xero and Intuit for real-time insights into expenditure and profitability — and less time wasted on accounting paperwork.


Your warehouse is the beating heart of your business, which is why WMS is one of the most critical inventory management features. So equip your team with powerful Warehouse Management Software that helps you control your inventory, speed up order fulfillment and cut costs along the way.

Provide your B2B customers with an unmatched experience and save your team time in one fell swoop with an online portal that enables customers to automate and manage their own orders.









您是否考虑过为您的中国办事处实施企业资源计划(ERP)系统?在中国找到合适的ERP系统并让您的员工使用它对于许多企业,尤其是中小型企业(SME)来说是一个普遍的挑战。在具有不同商业文化和习惯的国家/地区工作时,选择适合的软件及其实施至关重要。 在中国如何选择ERP软件? 许多企业主会发现,即使在中国能够成功运行其本国的ERP软件,但在中国却无法带来相同的收益。由于该软件可能过于复杂且价格过高,无法满足早期增长阶段中国办事处的需求。它甚至可能对工作效率产生不利影响并增加运营成本。...



为了有效地开展业务,您需要时刻备好客户所需要的产品。但是,在库存中保留大量您所要提供的每件商品在财务上是不可行的(而且通常甚至是不可能的)。因此,企业所有者的职责是确定什么是良好的库存水平,以便在保持最低成本的同时,为客户提供最佳服务。 为了找出库存水平的“最佳点”,您需要将大量计算和会计原理应用于您的业务。而最常见,也可能是最重要的方法之一,就是计算您的平均费用。此外,实现此目的的方法之一是使用称为移动平均成本的数字。在这里,我们将解释什么是移动平均成本,如何计算它,以及为什么它对您的业务很重要。 移动平均成本的定义...



作为企业管理者,您每天的工作量很大。当业务开始快速增长时,您将无法同时监控所有的信息。这时您需要一个简单明了的系统帮您将公司的各个方面整合在一起。那么如何确保自己的业务运转良好呢? ERP或企业资源计划系统是使您所有部门和日常运营合而为一的最佳解决方案之一。对于企业主来说,ERP是一个整合过程,因为它可以大大减少您分别跟踪每个部门所花费的成本。而我们将为您提供完整的细分,以帮助您确定ERP系统是否有益。 什么是ERP?...


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