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Save hours of manual work with automation.

Say goodbye to time-consuming inventory management steps. Upgrade to software that leverages automation in all the right places, from workflows to report automation.

Are you ready to automate your business processes?

You can work faster. You can work better. And all you have to do is set up inventory management automation. It’s the key to unlocking the true potential of inventory management: you’re no longer tied to manual entry, forced to keep a constant eye on your active inventory or bottlenecking your staff with constant small daily tasks. Streamline logistics and keep moving forward with automation — you’ll never look back.

Use the Full Range of Automation Options

Utilize the full extent of the automation module with notifications, tasks, scheduled reporting, reminders & workflow automation.

Set Up Workflow Easily

Set up new workflow tasks in a few easy steps. To start, all you need is a NAME for your workflow and a TYPE.

Set Exact Conditions

Configure specific workflow conditions to set your automated task up exactly as you want it. It will only act if all conditions are met.

Review all Workflows in One Place

Review all your automated workflows in one concise menu. Here you can edit, delete, and add as needed.

Double-Check and Authorize Tasks

Set up an approval period to authenticate the process, especially if you want to double-check exactly what is being automated and how. You can even set up retry times to receive approval in case the initial approval wasn’t satisfied.

Inform the Right People

Set up exactly how you want and who you want to be informed for each specific automated workflow you create, such as warehouse, accounting, customer, sales manager, and more.

Task Notifications

Add exactly who in your team knows when new tasks are created, assigned and completed for a better workflow.

Inform Customers

Set up notifications to inform customers who an item has been shipped, when it has arrived, and even how they can provide feedback or a review.


Use our support team to help you create and modify any and all workflow automations.

The Power of Connectivity

Utilising the DEAR Notification Centre can make a dramatically positive impact in your operation by connecting each department, expanding communications and improving your user experience.

All Features Included.

Try DEAR for 14 days, completely free!