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New Release 12/10/2015 – Improved Magento and Shopify integration, Customer/Supplier/Product merging

Release Notes 12/10/2015

Latest DEAR Inventory release includes Shopify, Magento and Amazon integration enhancements, report updates and more.

We have made a number of enhancements to the Magento integration bringing it up to speed with the rest of our sales channels.

Payments are now imported with all new Magento sale orders and attached to the customer invoices. Sales/payments are automatically loaded every 5 minutes even if Magento extension is not installed.
Credit notes are now imported and support for refunds is available.
Control when order is captured: When Paid or Created.
General performance of the integration has been improved, especially relating to bulk product listing.

New operations log provides details of your actions in relation to Shopify product publishing and historical order import.

When creating/updating variants in Shopify families, we now assign default images to variations (only when not assigned in Shopify and default flag is set on DEAR product).

Supplier and Customer merging
You now have the ability to merge customer and supplier records, you can access this functionality from the More drop down in respective View All screens for customers and suppliers.

“Include in Email” field added to customer and supplier contacts. Import/export templates extended with additional fields. This field controls if additional emails are to be included in CC field when sending emails from Purchase/Sale. Also this field is now properly synced with Xero contact and will preserve Xero settings.

Finished Goods
Finished Goods Picking improvement. New button Pick Line added to add additional lines to Pick table. Only visible in Authorised status.

Also Delete button added to the pick grid. Visible when Status is Authorised and In Progress. Product is now selectable on Pick grid with ability to choose from simple FIFO products as well as Special Costing products. FIFO and FEFO batch/serial numbered products can only be selected with auto-pick.

Added ability to specify total service value for finished goods.

New Combined printed documents
In View All Sales screen you are now able to combine various Sale Orders, Pick, Pack and Ship for printing in a single document. Accessible through the Print drop down.

Status field (Product Status) added to Product availability report.

Added Price Tier 1 to availability report.

“Component Unit” field added to Assembly/Disassembly analysis reports.

CSV Upload
Improved images upload via CSV. Added Default field to indicate default images

Improved Supplier/Customer address load from csv. Action column added allowing bulk deletion of existing addresses.

New General Settings parameter added which controls what Ship date to use by default: current date or invoice date.

Prepayment account mapping has been separated into Purchase prepayment and Sale prepayment.

New integrations page was made available as the integration list has grown considerably and no longer effectively stored the list of all the options.

Fix permissions in sale header for editing certain fields.

Sale print has been fixed to use contact specified in Sale to get email/fax/website fields into the document. If no contact specified then default contact is used to populate these fields.


All Features Included.

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