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New Release 30/05/2015 – Unicode support, Performance Upgrade, Invite your adviser, Same SKU used multiple times on Purchase and Sale Orders

Thank you for your patience over the weekend and apologies for any inconvenience caused during the release. Generally we try to avoid taking DEAR offline for upgrades however this release was significant and needed to be managed accordingly.

Performance Upgrade
The most important aspect of this release is related to performance enhancements, not only did we upgrade to powerful hardware we also implemented new database intelligence which will greatly improve user experience by cutting down load times and will increase the speed of all interactions with DEAR.

If you had previously encountered speed related issues we would like to hear your feedback regarding your experience post release.

Same SKU used multiple times on Purchase and Sale Orders
We are excited to release this enhancement as this was one of most requested features in DEAR.

You will now be able to populate your POs and SOs with the same SKU multiple times in case you need to give away or receive sample inventory or apply different prices or costs to the same SKU.

Unicode support
DEAR database now handles Unicode and makes it available for export. You can now use DEAR in any language. Please check Settings>General Settings for default export setting.

Gross Margin and Mark up options added to Sale Profit Summary and Sale Profit by Sales Representative reports.

Tax column added to Sales by Product Details, Sales by Product Summary and Customer Orders by Product reports.

Drop Ship, Split Sale and Unpicked orders referenced in Activity Tab
The new feature will make it much easier to cross reference related POs and SOs in case of Drop Shipments or new orders from Split or Unpicked sale orders. Simply open the relevant order and navigate to the Activity tab which will show the related order and provide you with a link to open it.

Comments field added to Purchase Order/Invoice lines
It is now possible to record comments against Purchase Order/Invoice lines. If you use drop shipment functionality the comments from the Sale Order will transfer to the comments in the corresponding Purchase Order automatically created for your supplier.

Invite your adviser
You can now invite your adviser to your account from Users & Permissions module, you will need to provide the adviser’s email address to complete the authorisation. The adviser will need to be a registered DEAR partner.

Your adviser can now also invite you to their partner portal if necessary.

Unstock/Restock during Credit Note creation is now optional, if the goods were not returned there is no requirement to perform Unstock/Restock and then a subsequent stock adjustment.

Export option now available for purchase order, stock received and invoice as well as sale quote/order even after the tabs are authorised.

A note will now be automatically added to Finished Goods tasks created either via Auto-assembly or Reorder Backordered stock functions in order to allow you to easily find related Sale Orders.

View All Purchases screen now shows Purchase Order value in one of the selectable columns.

Customer comment and sale note/memo fields have been increased to 500 characters, import via CSV has been upgraded accordingly.

All Features Included.

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